Wednesday, August 22, 2007

new day, ok?

last night, post-blogging to y'all, I sent this email:


I feel so junk about our call tonight. I've enjoyed your emails, really appreciated your lovely text message this morning and was looking forward to talking with you tonight. I know it was late and you were tired and I didn't mean to start an inquisition in my eagerness to hear how things are going for you. I also didn't mean to question your judgement about the classes you have chosen. I know you have been through an intense time taking in lots of information and advice, but we really haven't talked to you about any of this, and would like to hear more about it (if you are willing--and at a better time). I know we were both frustrated to find ourselves looking across this chasm of miscommunication when we really called each other for a few words of comfort and kindness. I'm sorry for my part in this. I hope you didn't go to bed angry at me, or at herself. And I hope you have a good day tomorrow with your (easy) (challenging) (whateva) college classes! wow, college..damn, Kalei's in college...(still absorbing).

Love, Mom

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