Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I feel full tonight. We had our first long and satiating phone conversation with Kalei tonight, somewhat reminiscent of the long rambling conversations we often enjoyed over dinner BC (Before College) . She called just before 8 pm, our usual dinner hour. Peter answered the phone and when I came downstairs, signalled me to pick up another phone. Guess he didn't want to get scoldings from me like he did last Saturday when he hung up from a short conversation with her before I could say hello. What a long two weeks this has been in all our lives. I can hear it as she speaks with detail and intensity about classes, teachers, assignments, readings and powerpoints on line, difficulty in locating fast and compatible printers, the cost of textbooks purchased used, walks through the redwood forest to a friend's dorm, the gorgeous weather she's trying not to take for granted, berries for the picking on the side of the road, the amphibious pet she plans to adopt, , the music on campus, including upcoming performances by the likes of BBKing and John McLaughlin. wow. Just today, upon hearing of my too-silent cell, a friend at work described how her daughter asked for less frequent phone calls when she first went away to college, but now, as a recent graduate, calls mom everyday. I don't expect this every day, but on this day Kalei called when she was ready to talk, choosing a time she knew we were usually ready to talk. So, tonight I am sleepily enjoying the sensation of being full and yearning for nothing more.

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