Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To my daughter on her 21st Birthday

This is a Big One
Not cause you can legally drink
Or over-drink legally
Or do anything else
Convention and law allow

This is a Big One
Because by Agreement
This is the door to Adulthood
Adulthood, like Childhood, or any other hood
Are just covers for the head, titles for times
Times that are truly gradual, evolutionary
So no worries
If you feel no different on Wednesday
Than you did on Tuesday
If you feel no more adult than teen or even child
You are right where you need to be
You are perfect just as you are
Whatever title (or non-title)
You choose to cover your head with today

This is a Big One
Just cause
We mark a line in the sand crossed
A day of growth in the garden
A moment to pause and ponder
The miracle of time
The blessings of being
And all you have become

This is a Big One
You are still my baby
Still my girl
Still the center of our universe
And still, as always, your own person
A perceptive, strong, witty and wonder-full
Woman of the world

Yup, this is a Big One…
Happy 21st Birthday, Kalei!
Love, Mom

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