Monday, November 3, 2008

Election eve and hope springs eternal

I found this piece that I wrote about the night of the 2004 election...

The election…what a downer. On election night, as the tide turned towards Tsunami Dubya, I threw 3 coins and consulted the I Ching. The oracle (and other elders) counsel patience, persistence and the cyclic nature of all things, insisting that any power so blind and arrogant resting on such a narrow foundation, will surely be toppled (or so I interpret their counsel). Hard, though, to watch our children lose their first election--- Jonah cast his ballot while Kalei keenly observed power and politics play out. What manner of world are we leaving them, I wonder? And yet, less than a week later, as we blue adults licked our wounds, two new buttons appeared on Kalei's enormous bag reading “Hilary Now” and “Barak Obama”. Hope does spring eternal!

here's hoping that the girl is prophetic!!

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