Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hey, Democrats... behave like it's a democracy!

"Superdelgates, Back Off" ran today's Sunday NY Times editorial headline, with the abstract: "Democratic Party leaders should let voters pick their nominee". Now there's a radical notion. Author Tad Devine goes on to explain a bit of the history behind the superdelegate thing. They were created to provide the margin of victory to the candidate who won the most support from primary and caucus voters, not to throw the match. With the delegate count predicted to be so very close, the news today is that these super-delgates are being full court pressed by both Clinton and Obama's troops to declare support for her or him even before all the democrats across the country have voted or caucused. If these super-delegated political insiders actually tip the balance and over-ride the popular vote, they will be doing to the democratic voters what the Supreme Court did to the nation after Al Gore was elected president. Democrats will be pissed! I will be pissed! And an awful lot of pissed disenfranchised democrats may stay home on November 4th. I would be tempted, but would probably cool down by November. My 18 year old daughter, on the other hand, is already pissed at the caucus set up which doesn't allow a Hawaii kid attending a Mainland college (or teaching in Hungary) to vote in the primary. If she hears that a few establishment democrats chose the nominee, she, and many young folks like her, may just stay home in droves and we could be stuck with President McCain, the 100 year war, and the creation of thousands of great new jobs at McDonalds.

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